Outdoor Gear & Accessories

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Outdoor Gear & Accessories

Our focus in this space has been to build NZ’s best range of camping and outdoor lighting solutions. From head torches to power banks, we appreciate the value of powered technology for the modern adventurer. This category is also a great place to ensure you have all the first aid & survival kit that you need. Here is an overview of what you can expect:

  • Head Torches: We never go anywhere without a quality head torch. Within our full range of head torches, you will find the perfect headlamp for all occasions. Launching the boat, heading for a run or walking the dog. 
  • Lanterns & Lighting: There is nothing better than a well-lit tent or even campsite to make those evenings under the stars a little more cozy. Choose from a huge range of trusted lanterns from basic lighting to ambience resembling a homeware showroom. 
  • Torches: Accessing light when you need it makes for a much better experience outdoors. Choose from our huge range of torches from battery-powered to rechargeable. Small or big. 
  • Power & Electronics: A modern-day convenience, power banks have become a staple for any adventure in the 20th century. View our ever-expanding range of electronics. 
  • Toilets: An ethical accessory to campsites, campers or boats. Our selected range of toilets provides options for kiwi campers. 
  • First Aid & Survival: Make sure you have everything that you need to keep yourself safe when embarking on your next adventure. Working with trusted NZ brands, we have curated a one-stop survival shop that covers all of your needs. View our extensive range of First Aid & Survival Kits. 

We understand browsing thousands of products can be challenging therefore we do our very best to provide real-world advice and guidance on the products we stock here at Land & Sea. We also love to partner with clever NZ brands in the process, one of which is KEA Outdoors. KEA Outdoors designs & manufactures first aid & survival kits specific to the NZ environment. Created to be your personalized survival system, this is a brand that has the NZ adventurer at the front of their mind. 

Why shop at Land & Sea

Land & Sea doesn't just offer the latest & greatest gear for your outdoor adventures we provide valuable insights into he real-world use of these products. Our team of experts use & abuse all of the gear we stock, becoming experts in their field. For a full insight into our buying guides, check them out here. 



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